Ice Axes for Frozen Seas: A Biblical Theology of Provocation Walter Brueggemann, Ice Axes for Frozen Seas: A Biblical Theology of Provocation, ed. Davis Hankins. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2014, pp. 439. $59.95 (hardback). Reviewed by Marcus A. Hong The main title of this collection of Walter Brueggemann’s recent writings draws the attention, while the subtitle gives an idea of the content. In line with the prolific agitator’s oeuvre, these pieces—edited by his former student and current collaborator Davis Hankins—aim to crack open hearts, minds and communities made numb by our society’s unrelenting anxiety. Brueggemann does so through sharp-edged and clear-eyed examination of biblical texts, avoiding the closure of fundamentalism on one hand and the aimlessness of progressivism on the other by wrestling with the God of the texts as an active agent. The essays are...