Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology Gilles Emery, O.P., and Matthew Levering, eds. Aristotle in Aquinas’s Theology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015, 336 pp. $110.00. Reviewed by Luke Zerra When reading about Thomas Aquinas one must always ask, “Whose Thomas? Which Thomism?” One prevalent view of Thomas is of the great schoolman as essentially a philosopher. This Thomas rediscovers Aristotle, takes him to new heights, and interacts with Scripture primarily as a source of proof texts for his philosophy. This was the prevalent view of the neo-Thomist revival of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, in which “Thomas as philosopher” was deployed to buttress Catholic truth against the cultural upheavals of modernity. An alternative view arose in reaction to this by those associated with or influenced by the Nouvelle Théologie that informed Vatican II. These...